Art Pottery, Politics and Food
Sunday, February 08, 2004
A Pause

Floral Vellem, Wild Rose, 1915
Fred Rothenbush
Rookwood Pottery

Events demand a brief pause.
I apologize for the delayed notice and hope to return by mid March.

I watched the President on this morning's Meet the Press.
Tim was surprisingly tough with his questions but, also, surprisingly followup free.
If Dr. Dean had his endlessly replayed scream shouldn't the President be subjected to endless replays of this morning's shameful hour-long dither.
From a brief read of the web it appears some are wondering if the President sported and earpiece (called a Telex) during the interview due to a presidential ear remaining out of NBC camera range.
NBC has a responsibility now that it is after the fact to disclose the entire technical setup offered to the White House.
Similarly, as a perusal of the Daily Howler archive will attest, the Washington Post and the New York Times have a responsibility to clarify the documentary evidence utilized by newspaper staff in each paper's reporting of George W. Bush's Vietnam-era Texas Air National Guard service.

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