Art Pottery, Politics and Food
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Limp Pitch?

Speaking again, today in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, to less than 100 citizens, the Associated Press reports lonely 73-year-old junior Senator Jim Bunning continued his political no-hitter bus trip with a lukewarm endorsement of his equally embattled President:

"I support George W. Bush most of the time.”

Hired political “helpers” traveling with the Bunning bus also continued the desperate Senator’s crazed mud flinging with more outrageous slurs against Democratic opponent Dr. Daniel Mongiardo.
Referring to Bunning and helper-in-chief senior Senator and, for the moment, Majority Whip Mitch McConnell as the “one-two punch”, Kentucky State Senate President David Williams said:

"We don't want to trade that one-two punch for a limp wrist.”

Asked by reporters to explain the remark, Williams, laughably, said he meant no sexual connotation.


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