Art Pottery, Politics and Food
Saturday, September 17, 2005
He's Ready!

Schwarzenegger's announcement…was an attempt to energize Republican activists…It also was a signal to Schwarzenegger's corporate supporters…that he intends to stick around to defend their interests…Schwarzenegger's consultant-heavy political operation burned through more than $25 million in the first six months of this year, but since then fundraising has been sluggish.
--San Diego Union-Tribune

CNN carried an inappropriately lengthy chunk of the overly energized Governator’s announcement yesterday afternoon before an invitation-only fake Town Meeting crowd in San Diego.

Pumping his arms, racing across the stage and leering at the crowd and cameras, the elderly scripted Austrian bodybuilder seemed, like a certain occupant of the national stage, desperate to recover the hype of lost glory among jaundiced Cal-ee-forn-ians.
I did notice, amid the surgical and cosmetic alterations, that the Governator was sporting new ring as gaudy as his giant blue cabuchon sapphire (scroll down).
The Guvernator must surely require hefty daily doses of legitimate sports supplements to simply lift the dead weight of this precious metal finger bauble and his personal reputation.

PS-Check out an interesting Bush family photo!

Modified Images: Reuters, San Diego Union-Tribune
Yours is an interesting and enjoyable blog. Regards.

copper sink seller
Thanks...pretty sinks!
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